Contracts law governs agreements between parties that create legally binding obligations. In pure legal theory, there is no such thing as a written contract as the contract is the “meeting of the minds” that creates a binding agreement (and a writing signed by the parties is merely the best evidence of that agreement). But in the common understanding there are written contracts and oral contracts, with different legal standards applicable to each.
Contracts law has historically been a heavily litigated area. It is often disputed whether a legally enforceable agreement has been entered into. The terms of a contract may either be subject to differing interpretations or may not speak to a situation that arises. And in other cases, a party may find itself unwilling or unable to honor its contractual obligations.
The attorneys at Doniger Burroughs are experts in both contract interpretation and formation and litigating contract disputes, most recently going to trial to address a contractual dispute between two producers who developed the Bling Empire show before it was sold to Netflix and obtaining a verdict of over $340,000 for its client. Ou vs Li, 21STCV36429 (September 16, 2024 jury verdict).
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